Paddy Ryan Lacken

Last Updated On May 28, 2018
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Paddy Ryan (Lacken) are to manhood in the shadow of towering Keeper Hill in the towns land of Knockfune, close to the village or Toor, in the midst of one of the most scenic regions of County Tipperary.
Born into a family long associated with organisations and causes promoting the freedom Ireland, it was no surprise when he became actively involved from an early stage with the Irish Volunteer movement in his local region. Had there been another successful way that avoided pain and death to free Ireland Paddy Ryan (Lacken) would have chosen it.

Deciding that there was not he chose the path of Wolf Tone, John Mitchell, Charles Wickham and other illustrious Irish Patriots, by attempting through physical force to win freedom from the oppressive invader.

In many engagements throughout the War of Independence Ryan Lacken displayed bravery, leadership and honour that bore the qualities of a worthy chieftain of his people. His patronise remained pure untainted by opportunism, greed or hunger for power. He served his country refused reward and never sought recognition.

He died as he lived an uncompromising 32 county Irish Republican and a true son of Tipperary in exile.