Martin Sparky Breen
Sparky Breen grew to manhood close to Tipperary town which then had a garrison of British soldiers and a big presence of police to suppress Irish nationalism. The young Breen though small in stature was a bright, intelligent youth who held his own in any physical and mental contest. He was a determined young man who developed his own views and ably articulated them.
He joined the Irish volunteers at a youthful age and helped recruit new members into the ranks. To the men of the two Tipp town companies and the rest of the Tipp Battalion area must go the greatest commendations for their major input into the War of Independence. Sparky Breen, in the midst of great men, emerged as an exceptional soldier and officer of the Irish Republican army.
In the flying column and at local level his military ability allied to his bravery and daring made him a man the enemy feared and his comrades admired. He possessed a lively personality and was always ready to respond with humour and wit in any debate. His tragic death in the Civil War is still deeply regretted.