Josephine O’Dwyer Grogan
The women of Ireland played a major role throughout the long struggle for freedom from British oppression.
In 1798 Betsy Gray on her white charger was an inspiring motivator and leader on the United Irishmen’s brave contribution to the rebellion against English rule in Ireland. Anne Devlin’s loyalty to Robert Emmett in the aftermath of his failed rebellion and the most appealing treatment from the British authorities, has placed her amount the great patriots of Ireland.
Josephine O’Dwyer Grogan and her associates in Cumman na mBan throughout Ireland, played a noble part in every aspect of the Irish revolution from 1916 to the truce of July 1921. Josephine was a young, attractive woman with a lively personality, which attracted people of all ages to listen to her views. She was outspoken in her support for Irish Freedom. She matched her words with countless deeds in the dramatic eventful years of the War of Independence, as a scout dispatch carrier, administrator and intelligence operator for the IRA.
In paying her memory a deserved tribute, we also salute the memories of her departed colleagues in Cumman na mBhan who now share eternal bliss with her in Heaven. The women of Cumman na mBan deserve well of the Irish nation. They were part of an exceptional generation who devoted their lives to the freedom of Ireland.