Jack Collinson

Last Updated On May 28, 2018
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A member of a well known family in athletics and hurling circles, Jack Collinson was a man of great athletic ability, well built with attractive manly features. He also possessed a lovely personality and was witty and quick thinking.
His great love in life was Gaelic games and athletics. Coming from a family where previous generation had experiences eviction from their holding and home Jack Collinson grew up in a home where the Fenian tradition was strong. He was an enthusiastic supporter or the Irish Ireland movements of his time.

A mature thinker for a young man, Jack Collinson knew from an early age that England would only concede to Ireland what she would be forced to give. He was among the young me who joined the Irish Volunteers in Moneygall.
His attention to military lectures, his intelligent views well articulated, quickly brought to the attention of his comrades his leadership qualities. Because if his volunteer activities he was one of the first North Tipp volunteers on the wanted list of the police.

He had many escapes, on one occasion between Moneygall and Dunkerrin in July 1918 he overpowered two policemen who attempted to arrest him on the public road. He led the North Tipperary flying column with the remarkable success at Kilcommon, Modreeny and other places. His tragic death in the Civil Wat deprived the new Ireland of one of its bravest and noblest sons.