Constitution Commemoration Committee


  1. The name of the organization is:



Coiste ComÓrtha Treas Briogáid Thiobraid Árann.

(Founded 14 October 1921).


  1. It is a voluntary, non-sectarian, non-party political organization.
  2. The aims of the Committee are:
  3. To honour and preserve the memory of the men and women of the Third Tipp Brigade Old IRA who fought for Ireland’s Freedom.
  4. To erect and maintain memorials to them.
  5. To hold regular commemoration ceremonies associated with them and the events they participated in.
  6. To educate upcoming generations in the Brigade’s history and inculcate a sense of gratitude in them for the sacrifices and achievements of the men and women of 1916-1923.
  7. To counteract revisionist and negative comment directed at those we honour.


  1. Membership is open to patriotic minded people who subscribe to the Committee’s aims. New members shall be proposed and seconded for admission by current members.
  2. There shall be an AGM, which shall usually be held in January.
  3. The Officers shall be elected at the AGM.
  4. The Committee’s officers are: Cathaoirleach, Beirt Leaschathaoirligh, Hon. Secretary, two Joint Treasurers, a PRO, and an ICTO.
  5. An Cathaoirleach shall be elected at the AGM for a period of one year, and may be re-elected twice.
  6. The Joint Treasurers shall present the annual statement of accounts at the AGM.
  7. All monies shall be paid by cheque, which must be signed by two of three authorized signatories.
  8. There shall be at least two other ordinary meetings during the year.
  9. The quorum for a meeting shall be five.
  10. Every member shall be free to speak at meetings.
  11. On leaving office An Cathaoirleach shall automatically become a President of the Committee. This title is an honorary one and carries no power or responsibility.
  12. There shall be an annual fundraising event.
  13. Secretarial expenses only shall be paid to the Hon. Sec.


This Constitution was adopted by the Committee at its AGM on 14th February 2012. Amended 18th January 2016.